Monday, August 31, 2015

Start the year with Google Classroom!

If you are planning to use Google Classroom with students this year, there are some exciting new features. The best is the ability to share assignments from School Loop to one or more Google Classroom(s) quickly and easily. From your School Loop assignment, use the Publish & Google Share button and select from the list of Google Classrooms you manage.  Click here for more about that process from School Loop.

If you haven't yet set up a Google Classroom, Classroom gives you a very manageable way to share assignments and documents with students and give formative and summative feedback on student work. If you are interested in using it, go to and click on the + sign in the upper right to start your first class.  Google Classroom will walk you through the process of setting up your class. You can have your students enroll using a class code which Classroom provides. Click here for more about Classroom from Google.