The Quiz feature in Google Forms is useful; you can get a quick read on overall scores and frequently missed questions, or you can use the raw data in the spreadsheet to do your own data analysis or contact students who fall below a specific threshold.
In addition to multiple-choice questions, Google Forms allows you to hand-grade answers that are subjective or free-form. You can also use a grading add-in like Flubaroo to do similar tasks. Check out some additional grading add-ons here.
Many teachers also use GradeCam, which lets you create, print and grade scantron-like multiple-choice assessments using a webcam or document camera, or an app on your smartphone . Everyone at Homestead already has an account established, with your classes and students already entered. Go to to log in (if you don't remember your password, choose "password help" and await an email, or contact Amity if you are still unsure). GradeCam gives you individual item analysis, the ability to share assessments, release scores to students, or download scores into a spreadsheet for your own data analysis. Check out their easy-to-use tutorials on creating assessments and viewing reports.
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