With finals coming, many teachers have been interested in using GradeCam, which lets you create, print and grade scantron-like multiple-choice assessments using a webcam or document camera.
Everyone at Homestead already has an account established, with your classes and students already entered. Go to
https://insight.gradecam.com to log in (if you don't remember your password, choose "reset password" and await an email, or contact Amity if you are still unsure).
Select the camera you plan to use, then try scanning a form. Your classes and students should already be there. You will need to set the GradeCam ID to 7 digits to match our student ID numbers, which you can either have students fill in manually or you can print as a pre-filled sheet.
To create an assessment, click on “forms” and “exam” to choose the number of questions and the style of questions. You can click on “advanced options” to change the answer format. You can create an answer key by either scanning a completed (correct) form or by clicking on the correct answers when you create the exam. You can also share assessments with other teachers.
When you initially go to scan a student, it will ask you to select a camera. Use your document camera or the webcam on your laptop. After that, you can scan a form yourself or even have students scan their own.
NOTE: some teachers have had difficulty getting this to work with their document cameras. Because this is a web-based tool, you can use it on any computer (so if a colleague has it working well, you can log in to GradeCam from their machine). We will have a GradeCam scanning station with document camera set up in the library for teachers who would like to use it there during finals week.
http://goo.gl/ouk3ws for easy GradeCam tutorials on various features.